Please download our Participation Info Sheet for a brief overview of FLOTO and what participation means for you.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - FLOTO Participants

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1. What is FLOTO? FLOTO is a research project that aims to measure and understand Internet performance in different locations, such as homes, libraries, schools, and government offices. The project uses small computers called Raspberry Pi devices to collect data on network performance.

2. How does FLOTO work? If you sign up to host a FLOTO device, we will provide you with a Raspberry Pi. You’ll connect this device to your home Internet router. The Raspberry Pi will periodically run network performance tests to measure your Internet speed, connection stability, and other related metrics.

3. What will I be asked to do as a participant? As a participant, you’ll host the Raspberry Pi device in your home and ensure it remains online and powered. You may occasionally be asked to check the device to ensure it is functioning correctly.

4. How long do I need to keep the device in my home? To receive the full compensation of $50 in gift cards, we ask that you keep the Raspberry Pi device in your home for at least 3 months. After this period, you can choose to continue participating or return the device if you no longer wish to participate.

5. What information will be collected? During the screening process, we’ll collect personally identifiable information such as your Internet service provider, router details, email, and residential address. This information is essential for eligibility determination and device delivery. However, all data collected during the study will be kept private and stored securely.

6. Will my personal information be shared? No, all measurement data collected from the devices will be anonymized and stripped of personally identifiable information before publication. We take privacy and confidentiality seriously and ensure that any published data is anonymized and cannot be directly connected to you.

7. What are the potential risks of participating in FLOTO? Our device security is continuously monitored and managed by members of our network team. We have implemented security measures to remove device vulnerabilities to the best of our ability.

8. Is participation in FLOTO voluntary? Yes, participation in FLOTO is entirely voluntary. If you decide to participate, you can withdraw at any time without any consequences or impact on your relationship with the research team.

9. Can I access the data collected from my device? Yes, you’ll have access to an online dashboard that displays your Internet speeds, data transfer times, and connection status. However, please note that the data will be anonymized, and personal information will not be disclosed in any reports or publications.

10. How do I get started as a participant? To get started, please fill out our online survey to determine your eligibility. If you are eligible, we’ll reach out to you with further instructions on receiving and setting up the Raspberry Pi device.

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